Thursday, February 01, 2007

My Old Lady Hair...

I have a serious case of old lady hair going on right now...a few months ago I cut my hair short...way was a little spiky, a little messy, and I personally think terribly cute. I have recently decided to now grow my hair out. The story behind that decision is $500. Think I am lying? mother told me she would pay me $500 to grow my hair out. I was at first a little offended - was my hair so bad someone would pay me to grow it out??? But then I thought - hey for five hundred bucks?? Why not grow it out?? So it has been over 3 months since my last trim - I was looking like a had a bit of a mullet going on, so I went today to get a trim...I came out looking like an old lady who just went to the local beauty school and had my hair set - the only thing missing is the grayish blue hair and wrinkles. I am all curled and set...geez where's my walker? I feel like playing bingo...


A said...

Thanks for the funny story...especially the bingo part. I would have taken the cash too. Has your mom ever offered cold, hard cash for anything else?

redmaryjanes said...

Girl, I am sure that you are lovely. I can't believe that your Mom is offering cash for some locks!

t~ said...

Photo please.....

I get done every 6 months...your not that far behind me! If someone paid me $500, I'd grow it as well! Sounds like a win win offer to me!

Shandra said...

$500 and it will all have been worth it. think of the shopping you an do?

Susie said...

LOL! I love your stories! Can't wait to see you on Saturday. Should I bring my camera?